Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Iran and Etihad

FINALLY...We got the visas through and can now head to Iran. Many thanks to Reza Eslamloo and Javad Shamaghdari for their help with this.

We are now looking at going to Iran after the first of the year. Still waiting on a response with Etihad, but like everything else, this takes time.

I got a very nice email from Eason Jordon, who was the head of CNN news during the Gulf War. He wrote, "Asrar is a hero, and it'd be wonderful if her story were told." We will be having Mr. Jordon as a consultant on the film.

It's a great part for an actress, let's just hope that the women we are interested in think the same thing! With a film like Defiance coming out with Daniel Craig about the Polish and Russian Resistance fighters during WWII, we feel that Etihad will have an audience as well.

That Asrar not only fought with the Resistance for her country, but also saved Americans and Brits who were left behind, really is an amazing story. She gave the ultimate sacrifice, her life for what she believed in. It does give a completely different look at Arab women and the whole Eastern/Western idea.

The more I'm learning about Asrar Al Qabandi, I feel really fortunate to be involved with this film. There are so few stories about women heroes out there.

"Death is more universal than life; everyone dies, but not everyone lives." A. Sachs

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